Platform for Integrated Governance in Chennai
Intended Audience
Urban Planners, Policy Makers, Academia, Civil society groups -
Urban systems, Simulations, Land Use, Water, Waste
The story of most Indian cities is similar — on the one hand is rapid development and growth, and on the other scarce resources under extreme pressure, both from internal demand and environmental changes.
In Chennai, these challenges were evident after the deluge in November-December 2015, the cyclone in December 2016, and the drought of 2017.
How can more integrated and actionable strategies be developed to meet these interconnected challenges? How can we create a platform for different stakeholders to come together to plan for a resilient future in a participatory manner? These are the questions we pursue in the project ‘A Platform Integrated Urban Governance in Metropolitan Chennai: Developing Resilience Scenarios and Strategies Through Simulation and Gaming’. We propose to create a simulation-based tool that allows for testing future scenarios to create a more resilient future for Chennai.
The project is a collaboration between Fields of View; Tamil Nadu State Land Use Board, Government of Tamil Nadu; Center for Urbanization, Buildings & Environment (CUBE) at IIT-Madras; and Okapi Research. Our efforts in this project are supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust.
Mail us to know more.Collaborations and Funders
The project is a collaboration between Fields of View, Tamil Nadu State Land Use Board, Government of Tamil Nadu, Center for Urbanization, Buildings & Environment (CUBE) at IIT-Madras and Okapi Research. Our efforts in this project are supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust.
Developing Resilience Scenarios and Strategies through Participatory Simulations – Case of Metropolitan Chennai - Case Study 3
Governance Gaps in Scenario based Planning - An Agent-based Modelling Approach
Imagining Futures - A generative scenario-based methodology to improve planning and decision-support systems for policymakers
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