Intended Audience
Simulation scientists, Social scientists. -
Agent-based simulations, Socio-technical system.
Phoenix is an agent-based simulation platform, developed at Fields of View. It is distributed and modular by design, and can run highly scalable simulations.
Phoenix is an agent-based simulation platform developed at Fields of View. It is designed to be distributed and modular to run highly scalable simulations.
Agent-based simulations is a powerful method to model complex systems such as cities in a bottom-up fashion. They help us to study interactions of various sub-systems such as infrastructure, people, policies, institutions, etc.
Existing agent-based simulation platforms either focus on the number of agents that can be created, or on the number of functionalities provided. In Phoenix, we have separated the platform to different modules such as visualisation, communication subsystem, database engine allowing it to distribute simulations across multiple computers on a network.
We use Phoenix to develop various simulations and some games at Fields of View. Our work in Smart Campus and the Interoperability projects is done using Phoenix.
We continue to develop and maintain Phoenix for internal simulation development.
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