Multiagent simulations for Interoperability during disaster management
Intended Audience
Policy Makers -
SOP, policy, PIEMAC, shared vocabulary
A gaming and simulation framework for designing, testing and validating SOPs for disaster management.
A gaming and simulation framework for designing, testing and validating SOPs for disaster management.
This project uses a gaming and simulation framework for designing, testing and validating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for disaster management which adhere to the local institutional support frameworks, and are process and semantically inter-operable.
We use gaming and computerized simulation methods in conjunction with each other for participatory design of interoperable standards for disaster management. Gaming methods provide a platform for experiential learning for the participants, and for validation of SOPs through what-if scenarios. Computerized simulations help test the efficacy of the shared vocabularies which is used by agencies involved in disaster management
We developed a simulation tool to test the effect of use of shared vocabularies on communication during disaster management. The shared vocabularies were built using messages from sessions of the PIEMAC game. The computerized simulation developed was used to test the efficacy of this shared vocabulary under different disaster scenarios, and the simulation results were analysed to provide recommendations for effectively designing the shared vocabularies.
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Collaborations and Funders
DST, IIIT-Bangalore.
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