Intended Audience
Young adults -
water-security, planning
Hanigalu is a simulation tool developed to build capacity among young adults in water security planning by exploring different scenarios and trade-offs related to water security at the local level.
The drinking water crisis in many parts of Bangalore during the summer of 2019, was just one reminder about the intersection of urban governance and management of a natural resource against the background of climate change. This is happening in a governance context where citizens often tend not to appreciate their important role in the management of various urban resources and services.
Constitutional provisions exist to involve citizens in the governance of a city, but we know that the utilization of these spaces has remained stunted. Similarly, methods and tools for citizen participation have remained largely underdeveloped. It is against this background that the project plans to pilot a training tool to engage and train young adults in understanding the aspects related to water security planning.
Fields of View and Azim Premji University are undertaking this project as part of the Small Grants Programme by the Bengaluru Sustainability Forum.
Mail us to know more.Collaborations and Funders
Azim Premji University, Bengaluru Sustainability Forum, Architecture for Dialogue (AfD)
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