Highlights of December 2019:
- From December 2nd to December 6th, 2019, Bharath and Sruthi conducted foresight and innovation workshops for public sector officials in collaboration with CITRA Labs, a joint initiative between the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sri Lanka. They conducted a workshop on tools and methods for public policy for CITRA Labs trainers on December 6, 2019.
- From December 12th to December 17th, 2019, Yashwin participated in the collaborative workshop for the Joint Road Forward project at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.
- On December 20th, 2019, Fields of View hosted the 2nd meeting of the Bangalore Mobility Group.
- On December 27th, 2019, Harsha gave a talk on "Creative Interactions with Policies" conducted by Design Dialogues, a series of monthly talks engaging the design community in Bangalore.

Highlights of January 2020:
- On January 20th, 2020, Bharath presented our work in the area of urban planning and simulations at the Urban Data Sciences conference in IIT Madras. Bharath was a panellist on the discussion on the role of various technologies in urban planning and governance.
- On January 24th, 2020, Bharath Moro, Sruthi, Selva, Suruchi and Srinidhi conducted a rubbish game session organised by Bangalore Science forum, as part of the Submerge exhibition at Bangalore Science Gallery. This session saw participants with diverse backgrounds ranging from law, development sector and corporate sector bringing their own experience and exposure to the issues in waste management.
- In collaboration with Indo-Global Social Service Society, Fields of View has developed a curriculum on the 74th Constitutional Amendment. The curriculum aims to make the 74th Amendment, the possibilities it affords and the state of its implementation, accessible to both civil society organisations and citizens. The curriculum, developed as part of Fields of View's work on local governance, contains interactive exercises and comic books to provide an immersive and interactive experience.
- On January 28th, 2020, a test session of 'Gazette or Gonzo', a new game on fundamental rights in the Constitution and the media, was conducted at Fields of View, Bengaluru. Participants included lawyers, students, researchers from various institutions in Bengaluru.
- On January 29th, 2020, Harsha, Vaibhav and Srinidhi conducted the city game session for final year architecture students of SJB School of Architecture and Planning, Bengaluru.

Highlights of February 2020:
- On February 4th, 2020, Harsha attended a round-table discussion on public bus transport for people in India organised by Bengaluru Bus Prayaanikara Vedike.
- On 9th February, 2020, Bharath, Sruthi, Selva and Srinidhi conducted the Kattu-Kathe game session under the Project 560 Initiative. The session was organised for the Domestic Workers Union in collaboration with Indian Foundation for the Arts and Maara.

- On February 10, 2020, Vaibhav conducted the city game session at Seelampur, New Delhi.
- On February 12th, 2020, Harsha attended the Brave Conversations workshop. The aim of the workshop was to bring thinking around Web Science and the Social Machine to mainstream conversations that occur in everyday life.
- On February 15th, 2020, Fields of View had its board meeting.
- On February 16th, 2020, Srinidhi attended the National Consultation on "Promoting transparency and accountability in the paradigm of urban governance" at BMS college of Law, Bengaluru.
- On February 19th, 2020, Sruthi, Yashwin, Vaibhav and Selva conducted the "Gazette or Gonzo? " game session at St. Josephs College for their Annual Festival of Literature, META.
- On February 29th, Harsha, Bharath, and Bharath Moro helped to organise the NASPAA-Batton Student Simulation Competition 2020, at the National Law School of India University in Bangalore.
- The FoV team