Highlights of September 2019:
- On September 5th 2019, Harsha and Yashwin attended the exhibition on ‘Liveable Urbanism, Mangalore’ organised by the Cardiff University at the British Council, Bangalore.
- On September 5th 2019, Harsha, Selva, Suruchi, Vaibhav, Vigdis and Yashwin conducted the second play test session of FoV’s upcoming game Kattu Kathe with the students of St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore.

- On September 26th, we conducted our first meeting of the Bangalore Mobility Group. The group was formed as an outcome of the two-day workshop conducted by FoV on equity in public transport in June 2019 and has planned to meet once a quarter to share and understand the work being done individually. Participants include representatives from various organisations working on mobility in Bangalore such as Bangalore Bus Prayaanikara Vedike, World Resources Institute, International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, etc. and several independent researchers.
- On September 25th, 26th and 27th, Bharath was invited to conduct a course titled “Games for Social Impact” at the Amani Institute.
Highlights of October 2019:
- On October 3rd 2019, Bharath and Vaibhav met with NITI Aayog to discuss potential collaboration in the area of energy.
- On October 5th 2019, Harsha attended a datajam organised by Data Kind at BMTC office in Shanti Nagar to look at fares and trips data released by BMTC.
- On October 10th 2019, Harsha attended the public consultation by BMTC on their new bus priority lane in Whitefield area in Bangalore, at the BMTC office in Shanthi Nagar.
- On October 12th 2019, Vaibhav attended a meeting organised by St. John’s Research Institute on the future of genetic research using people’s stored samples and clinical data. The meeting was directed at understanding local people-centred governance mechanisms towards monitoring biobanks and data sharing with respect to genetic research in India.
On October 14th 2019, Vaibhav, Selva, Srijan and Harsha organised a session of Made to Order as part of the event “Design Ooru” at the Rangoli art center at M.G.Road Metro station. Design Ooru was an event organised by Institute of Indian Interior Designers to look at architecture, urban design and interior design. Participants included architects, planners, researchers and students from various institutions in Bangalore.

Highlights of November 2019:
- On November 8th 2019, Bharath helped facilitate a stakeholder workshop conducted by Azim Premji University and Ashoka on the topic of on Urban Employment Guarantee with various civil society participants.
- On November 9th 2019, Bharath Moro, Selva, Srijan, Sruthi, Suruchi and Vaibhav, conducted a session of Made to Order as part of The Festival of Laughter and Forgetting at Ranga Shankara, organised by Ranga Shankara and Sandbox Collective.
- On November 12th 2019, Yashwin conducted a Workshop on policy making for the youth as part of City Caravan 5.0 in Mumbai organised by Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action.

- On November 22nd 2019, Bharath gave a talk at India Game Developer Conference titled “Beyond learning and training: How we can use games to understand the complex world around us”.
- On November 26th 2019, Bharath Moro and Yashwin attended the Energy Modelling workshop organised by Catapult, UK at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Yashwin presented FoV’s work on energy modelling at the workshop.
- The FoV team