Highlights of June 2019:
- On June 10th 2019, Srijan conducted a Rubbish! game session for Nesta UK.

- On June 11th 2019, Srijan presented FoV’s paper on ‘Imagining Futures – A generative scenario-based methodology to improve planning and decision-support systems for policymakers’ at the Data for Policy Conference 2019, at University College London, UK.
- On June 17th and 18th 2019, Vaibhav and Yashwin were in Sri Lanka to participate in a roundtable on ‘Making of a World Class City’. They also conducted a City Game session for urban development authority, community members, activists and anthropologists.
- As part of Joint Road Forward project, FoV organised a workshop called ‘All Aboard!’ on equity in public bus transport service in Bangalore on June 20th and 21st 2019 with Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation, academia, civil society groups and media to discuss on how to make public bus transport more equitable in Bangalore. As a part of this, parallel workshops on data journalism for journalists and a workshop for civil society groups were also organised along with presentations and talks.

- On June 28th 2019, YUVA, Bachpan and Muskaan, who collectively work on sustainable and child-friendly cities visited FoV as part of their study tour and game sessions like Rubbish, Made to Order and a play test for Project 560 was conducted along with them.
- On June 28th 2019, Vaibhav and Srijan conducted the City Game session for the new batch of Master's student for Public Policy at National Law School of India University.
Highlights of July 2019:
- On July 4th 2019, Himani a master’s student of Public Space Design from Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bangalore presented her work on ‘Strategies to design Gujri: A scrap market’ at FoV office.
- On July 8th 2019, Harsha and Yashwin attended the Discussion Meeting of the Summer Research Program on Dynamics of Complex Systems at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences for topics on Climate, Environment, Energy, Language, and other social and anthropological themes. Harsha presented FoV’s work on Simulogue at the meeting.

- On July 11th 2019, Vaibhav presented and discussed about tools and technology for the power sector with NITI Aayog, New Delhi.
- On July 19th 2019, Yashwin conducted the City Game session for students of Master of Arts in Economics, as part of their orientation at Azim Premji University.
- On July 29th 2019, Bharath was invited to be a speaker at Institute for Social and Economic Change to talk about ‘Urban Marginality and Citizenship in India’.
- From July 31st to August 3rd 2019, Bharath, Jahnavi, Prashanth, Puja, Shruthi, Suruchi, Vaibhav and Yashwin co-conducted the ‘Collaborative Workshop On Farmers' Incomes In India’ held in Goa. The workshop was jointly organised by Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture, Bharat Krishak Samaj, Fields of View and Socratus.
Highlights of August 2019:
- On August 10th 2019, we had our Annual General Body meeting.
- On August 20th 2019, Forbes India featured FoV’s work in an article ‘Indian board games take political, social hues’.
- From August 25th to August 29th 2019, Harsha participated in Thredbo 16 Conference in Singapore. Harsha presented FoV’s paper ‘Social Inclusion through Play: A New Methodology for Public Transport’ at the conference.
- On 29th August, Srijan and Vigdis participated in the workshop on 'Gendering the Smart City' conducted by Prof. Ayona Datta from UCL and Dr. Padmini Ray Murray from Design Beku at Bangalore International Centre.
- The FoV team