City Game

  • Intended Audience

    General Public, Urban Planners, Architects, Real estate developers

  • Keywords

    Urban systems, Games, Visualisation, Self-Organisation

  • Type


  • Duration

    45 minutes - 1.5 hours

  • Number of Players

    10 - 30 players

The City Game is designed to explore urban form and elicit a group/individual's preferences about their city.

Participants play in turns and react to each others' actions, and in doing so create a dynamic that is absent in traditional participation/feedback processes. The game allows for experiments with various design alternatives. Players can experiment with different policies and rules, observe various patterns that emerge and contrast different emerging scenarios.

In the game, participants take turns to build their city and witness the evolution of the city visually in real-time. We have multiple variants of the City Game. In one of the variants, the participants are given one simple rule - they have to inform the rest of the group, what they are building.

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