Highlights of June 2018:
- Bharath was invited to talk about improving access to urban immunisation under the National Health Mission (NHM) at the State Consultation Workshop on Urban Immunisation on June 5th and 6th 2018 organised by UNICEF in collaboration with Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services, Govt. of Karnataka
- Shambhavi conducted a ‘Made to Order’ game session on June 15th 2018 at UWC Mahindra College, Pune with students of the 'Theatre Gender Identity and Film' summer programme. The session involved gameplay and discussion around intersectionality of caste, class and gender
- Vaibhav and Anirudh conducted a City Game session for students of Master of Public Policy on June 29th 2018 at The National Law School of India University, Bangalore
Highlights of July 2018:
- A workshop was held with Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) and various industry representatives in Chennai on July 5th 2018 to understand their perspectives related to waste, water, and land-use issues in the city as part of the project ‘Platform for integrated governance in Chennai’, a collaboration between Fields of View, Okapi India, IIT-Madras, and Tamil Nadu State Land Use Board. FoV’s efforts in this project are supported by Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
- Anirudh conducted a Rubbish! Game session for students at the Baduku Community College in association with Samvada at Gandhi Bhavan on July 6th 2018
- Srijan and Anirudh attended the Unlock Bengaluru conference, hosted by WRI, under the overall theme of “Agenda 2022: Managing Metropolitan Bengaluru” on July 21st 2018
- Srijan and Anirudh attended a workshop on slums in Bangalore hosted by the Centre for Public Policy, IIM-Bangalore and Omidyar Network on July 23rd 2018 at IIM-Bangalore. This workshop focused on a seven-year investigation of slums in Bangalore using a combination of satellite image analysis and detailed on-the-ground inquiries
- FoV's game, 'Cantor’s World', based on the Inclusive Wealth Index (IWI) was officially launched at UNESCO-MGIEP New Delhi on July 24th 2018. The game aims to articulate the interconnectedness of the economy, environment, and human well-being by operationalising different components that constitute the IWI. Cantor’s World has been designed for students and policy makers where they get an opportunity to experiment with different policy choices following which they get to experience short-term and long-term impacts of their decisions on sustainability. Interested universities across India and Asia attended the demonstration to see how this game could be adopted into their curriculum

Highlights of August 2018:
- Bharath presented the final outcomes and results for the ‘Gaming Simulation-based training for the Steady State Superconducting Tokamak (SST)’ project funded by the Institute of Plasma research, under the Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India in their annual meeting held at Kottayam, Kerala on August 9th 2018
- Sruthi, Harsha, Srijan and Anirudh conducted a ‘Transport Trilemma’ session, a game based on BMTC’s bus transport planning and operations, for the Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), Government of Karnataka on August 9th 2018. The list of participants included the Joint Director of DULT, senior transport planners, consultants for the Indian Railways, urban planners, members from ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) research among others where they explored different trade-offs and alternative planning scenarios for BMTC
- Fields of View conducted the Joint Road Forward workshop along with IIIT-B from August 16th to August 18th 2018. Fields of View, IIIT-B and other transport researchers from around Bangalore presented their research on transport planning and research
- Vaibhav conducted a Rubbish! Game session for students at The Design Village in Noida on August 22nd 2018
- The FoV team
